miércoles, 1 de enero de 2014

Varaha Upanishad quotes

wise man who has understood the course of nadis and vayus
should, after keeping his neck and body erect with his mouth
closed, contemplate immovably upon Turyaka (Atma) at the
tip of his nose, in the centre of his heart and in the middle of

and should see, with a tranquil mind through the
(mental) eyes, the nectar flowing from there. Having closed
the anus and drawn up the vayu and caused it to rise through
(the repetition of) pranava (Om).

He should try to go up by the union of Prana and Apana.
This most important yoga brightens up in the body the path of
siddhis. As a dam across the water serves as an obstacle to the
floods, so it should ever be known by the yogins that the chhaya
of the body is (to jiva). This bandha is said of all nadis.
Through the grace of this bandha, the Devata (goddess) becomes
visible. This bandha of four feet serves as a check to the three
paths. This brightens up the path through which the siddhas
obtained (their siddhis). If with Prana is made to rise up soon
Udana, this bandha checking all nadis goes up. This is called
Samputayoga or Mulabandha. Through the practising of this
yoga, the three bandhas are mastered. By practising day and
night intermittingly or at any convenient time, the vayu will
come under his control. With the control of vayu, agni (the
gastric fire) in the body will increase daily. With the increase
of agni, food, etc., will be easily digested. Should food be
properly digested, there is increase of rasa (essence of food).
With the daily increase of rasa, there is the increase of dhatus
(spiritual substances). With the increase of dhatus, there is the
increase of wisdom in the body. Thus all the sins collected
together during many crores of births are burnt up.

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