viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

Quotes from the Dyhanabindu upanishad

Muladhara is the first chakra. Svadhishthana is the second.
Between these two is said to be the seat of yoni (perineum),
having the form of Kama (God of love). In the Adhara of the
anus, there is the lotus of four petals. In its midst is said

to be the yoni called Kama and worshipped by the siddhas. In
the midst of the yoni is the Linga facing the west and split at
its head like the gem. He who knows this, is a knower of
the Vedas.

He is knower of yoga who knows that prana always
draws itself from apana and apana draws itself from prana

Paramesvari (viz., kundalini sakti) sleeps shutting with her mouth

that door which leads to the decayless Brahma-hole. Being aroused by the contact of agni with manas and prana, she takes
the form of a needle and pierces up through Sushumna. The
yogin should open with great effort this door which is shut.
Then he will pierce the door to salvation by means of kundalini.
Folding firmly the fingers of the hands, assuming firmly the
Padma posture, placing the chin firmly on the breast and fixing
the mind in dhyana, one should frequently raise up the apana.

When this Jalandhara bandha which is
destroyer of the pains of the throat is performed, then nectar
does not fall on agni nor does the vayu move.

This bindu is twofold, white and red. The white one is called
sukla and the red one is said to contain much rajas. The
rajas which stays in yoni is like the colour of a coral. The bindu
stays in the seat of the genital organs. The union of these two
is very rare. Bindu is siva and rajas is sakti. Bindu is the
moon and rajas is the sun. Through the union of these two is
attained the highest body ; when rajas is roused up by agitating
the s akti through vayu which unites with the sun, thence is
produced the divine form. Sukla being united with the moon
and rajas with the sun, he is a knower of yoga who knows the
proper mixture of these two.
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