lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

From Hatha yoga pradipika with Hans Ulrich Rieker commentary -Quote 2

"With head bent forward slowly rotate the innards [intestines and stomach], like a whirlpool
in a river, toward the right and toward the left. This the siddhas call nauli. This, the most important
of all hat ha yoga practices, removes sluggishness of the gastric fire, stimulates digestion, and leaves
a very agreeable feeling, it removes all diseases."

This practice belongs not only to shatkarma but also to regular hatha yoga, although it cannot be
called an asana since asana means "position, seat," a motionless posture, while nauli is a movement
of the abdominal muscles. In shatkarma it is rather a subsidiary, as it trains the muscles for dhauti
and basti. This practice−−which is to be recommended to the obese−−begins with deep exhalation.
At the same time, lean forward with hands pressed on the thighs and draw in the abdomen while
raising the shoulders; then try to tighten the drawn−in abdominal muscics. Once this is accomplished
the circular motion is no problem, since the muscles stand out separately on the withdrawn abdomen,
as thick as a child's arm.

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