[moksha] with the kundalini. The great goddess [kundalini] steeps, closing with her mouth the
opening through which one can ascend to the brahmarandhra (crown of the head), to that place
where there is neither pain nor suffering. The kundalini sleeps above the kanda [where the nadis
converge]. She gives liberation to the yogi and bondage to the fool. He who knows kundalini knows
yoga. −−The kundalini, it is said, is coiled like a serpent. He who can induce her to move [upward]
is liberated. There is no doubt about it. −−Between Ganga and Yamuna sits a young widow,
arousing compassion. One should despoil her, for this leads to the supreme seat of Vishnu [her

You should awaken the sleeping serpent by grasping its tad. The shakti, when aroused, moves upward."
Once more remember the churning of the ocean of milk. The demons seized the head of the snake,
the gods took hold of the tail, and thus the work was accomplished.
Here we have the same process. The physically manifested powers, prana and apana, pull on the
head; that is where the current flows into the sushumna, which is closed by the head of the serpent.
The spiritual forces, however, work from the tail. We will presently learn about the nature of these
spiritual forces