Then all the chakrasand knots are pierced
and prana flows through the royal road of sushumna.
The mind is released from its work and the yogi
conquers death"

faculties. It is a potential of which normally we know nothing, and one that does not seem to exist for
the average man.
The chakras are occasionally perceptible in everyday life. In times of danger there is usually a
convulsive contraction of the muladhara chakra; in the case of acute danger, it intestifics as the
often−mentioned experience of "seeing the whole life flash through the mind." In sexual excitement
the svadishthana chakra is noticeable. Best known is the influence of the manipura chakra on crying
and laughter, which are related to the region of the diaphragm. One speaks of loving devotion as
coming from the heart; it really involves the neighboring anahata chakra. The well−known choking
sensation when a speaker is "blocked" relates to the vishuddha chakra. The index finger on the
brow−−"Eurekal'−− means that the ajna chakra has spoken, and the halo on the image of a saint has
its center in sahasrara chakra, to mention just a few minor characteristic signs of these unknown, yet
so important centers in man.