miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

Quotes from The mirror of yoga by Richard Freeman

"[...] The prana, wich controls inhaling, can then be offered into the apana, wich controls exhaling, and we can then turn around and offer the apana back into the prana.[...]" Richard Freeman, The Mirror of yoga

"We find that when we do yoga asana and pranayama this balance naturally occurs (*equilibrio del orificio nasal dominante en la respiración), and at the end of a good practice there is a sense of internal balance, as if
the breath flowing evenly between the ida and pingala or posibly it is resting in the susumna nadi" The Mirror of yoga, Richard Freeman

"For this reason it is perfectly normal that as we exhale, a feeling anxiety arises because the apanic patterns stimulates physical sensations associated with change and dissolution" Richard Freeman- Mirro of yoga

"When the school or practice becomes difficult--which is precisely the entry point into reality-- it is at this crisis point that you really have to drop your pretenses and keep digging deeper into the experience" Richard Freeman, The Mirror of Yoga

"[...]Upon this full awakening (la fundición de los opuesto que permite la liberación de la energía Kindalini en el canal central del cuerpo sutil), the moon (identificada físicamente con la glándula pituitaria en el plano físico y el ajana chakra en el sútil) at the root of the palate--Which collects nectar (se refiere al "amrta" de ahí el proposito de la inversiones es preservar su descomposición en el sol. Manipura chakra identificado con el poder gástrico. Ténicas como el kechari mudra tratan estimular para poder ingerirlo al presionar la zona del paladar alto con la lengua) from the thousand-petaled lotus at the crown of the head (se refiere al 7 chakra)-- begins to melt and shower(dentro de todos los nadis)[...]" Richard Freeman The Mirror of yoga

"Aligment is a steady flame of intelligence" Richard Freeman

"Yoga practice itself is a simple collection of techniques for observing what is in the present moment. These techniques lead to a pure attention to the subtleties, movements and forms of whatever is present, including one’s own thoughts and freedom." -Richard Freeman
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